Archaeological work

Archaeology of architecture

This is the first archaeological intervention to be carried out in the convent area of ​​San Pedro Apóstol. The particularity of the Dominican convent of Hermigua, if we compare it with the majority of the convents in the Canary Islands, is that a good part of the spaces that formed it are still preserved today thanks to the reuse of the area from the 19th century to the present day. Far from suffering a dismantling process like the rest of the Canarian convents, the property fell into private hands and was immediately used as a home, making it possible to preserve its layout and a good part of its construction elements. 

On the other hand, the convent church is also kept in a perfect state of conservation, thanks to the fact that it continued to be a reference point for the Upper Hermigua Valley and to the restoration process that was carried out last century. 

First surveys, in search of vestiges

Fusce egestas, justo tristique viverra elementum, eros tellus porttitor ipsum, at sollicitudin dui quam vitae dui. Duis vehicula purus a augue consectetur, quis dictum ligula iaculis. Sed ut quam nec lacus tempus rutrum eu ut lacus. Mauris volutpat, enim id consequat pharetra, ligula turpis sagittis lacus, ut eleifend eros elit et arcu. Aliquam hendrerit nisl eu sem fermentum venenatis. Curabitur eu tortor justo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce vitae tellus nec ligula eleifend rhoncus nec vitae ipsum. Aenean diam est, malesuada id lorem nec, consequat mattis quam. Morbi ante lectus, blandit et posuere in, dignissim nec neque. Ut mauris nisi, viverra in mollis nec, commodo quis lorem.