Other Crops

Sit at our table and taste the respect of Hermigua farmers for their crops

Apart from what we grow for sale, in order to ensure that we serve the best seasonal fruits at our breakfast, we have been working for a long time with the introduction of new crops in small quantities. 

We love that the fruits are natural and tasty and that they go directly from the tree to your plate is one of our greatest prides. Another thing we like is to introduce new flavors to our guests, which is why we try to innovate every year and thus we try growing new tropical species. It is an open secret that in Hermigua everything is easy.

All the fruits we serve come from our own harvest or from other small local producers. That way, we know that each product is consistent in flavor and texture and that's what it's all about, the taste for what this land gives, the main reason why you should come try our breakfast.


The pitahaya is a cactus plant and therefore resistant to droughts. It is a succulent, rustic cactus with long triangular stems that usually entwines itself on nearby trees, feeding on the moisture in their bark and climbing the branches. 
The pitahaya flower is hermaphrodite and as beautiful as it is short. It appears dazzling in the morning and as it begins to feel the heat of the sun it suddenly dehydrates. It opens only once at night and its penetrating aroma attracts numerous insects. It is self-fertilized, but it can also cross-pollinate, with bats being the best pollinators in its natural environment.
Fruit formation from pollination to harvest takes about four months, although it depends on the temperature.

Tamarillo, Tree tomato

The tree tomato or tamarillo is a shrub about 3 meters tall, with grayish bark and evergreen foliage. The first historical descriptions place it in Peru, Bolivia and some places in northern Argentina.
The fruit is an ovoid berry with a long stem on which the flower calyx persists. The skin is smooth, red or orange when ripe, with lighter-colored streaks. The pulp is juicy, somewhat acidic, reddish orange, with numerous seeds. They can be eaten raw, directly or in salads, or cooked to prepare juices, sweets and desserts.


The pineapple is a species of the Bromeliaceae family. It is a low-growing plant with hard, lanceolate leaves up to 1 m long. It bears fruit once a year, producing a single, fragrant, sweet fruit. 

The fruit is a small berry, which fuses early with the adjacent ones into a large, ovoid syncarp or infructescence. The more fibrous core of the syncarp forms from the thickened axial stem, and the walls of the ovary, the base of the bract and the sepals are transformed into a yellow, barely fibrous pulp.


The peach tree is a deciduous, unarmed tree that grows up to 8 m tall. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate or elliptic, acuminate, cuneate at the base, serrated with glandular teeth, glabrescent, with deciduous, denticulate stipules. The flowers are solitary or twinned and have numerous bracts. The sepals are erect and entire and the petals are denticulate at the apex, and are bright pink in colour. 

Its fruit, the peach, contains a single seed enclosed in a hard shell, the “stone”. This fruit, normally with velvety skin, has a yellow or whitish flesh with a sweet taste and delicate aroma.

Guava fruit

The guava tree is a small tree belonging to the family of the myrtaceae. Its leaves are simple, oblong or elliptical, bright green to brownish green in colour, very fragrant when crushed. Its flowers are solitary, occasionally appearing in clusters up to 8 cm, being axillary, with 4 to 5 sepals, green on the outside and white on the inside.

Its fruit is a berry highly appreciated for its mild acidity and good flavour. The skin is yellow-green and its interior can be pink, red, white, yellow or orange. The pulp is characterised by containing many small seeds and a sweet aroma.


Grapes are the common name given to the fruits formed in the clusters of the vine. They are used worldwide for fermentation, which gives rise to wine. Planted in vineyards, they grow grouped on the vines, between six and three hundred grapes per cluster. With white or purple pulp and a sweet taste, grapes are consumed, in addition to their industrial uses in wines and raisins, as fresh fruit and in juices. 

White wines are characteristic of La Gomera, especially those made from the Forastera Gomera (White Forastera) variety, which covers three quarters of the surface area under vines. But the island is also a reservoir of strains such as Listán Negro, Negramoll, Tintilla, Castellana, Listán Blanco, Malvasía, Gual and Marmajuelo.


The persimmon, also known as palo santo, is a tropical fruit that belongs to the Ebanaceae family. There are different species for consumption, with different sizes and flavours. It has a reddish orange colour reminiscent of tomatoes, and has a succulent, sweet and gelatinous pulp.

Spiked figs

This is an exquisite sweet fruit that is oval in shape and is mostly made up of water. Although it is rich in potassium and calcium, it is not recommended for people who suffer from diabetes because it has a high sugar content. The plant that produces this fruit is called prickly pear and is characterized by the scarcity of water it needs. Its origin is in America, specifically in Mexico, but its cultivation is widespread in the Canary Islands, and is even part of the landscape.


The fig tree is a tree of great importance in the landscape and rural life of the Canary Islands. One only has to look at the diversity of names that exist for the different varieties of this fruit, milk figs or brevas. However, both names are correct and correspond to the seasons of the fruit. 

Carambola or starfruit

The carambola is a perennial tropical shrub about 3 meters high, belonging to the Oxalidaceae family. Its fruit is the carambola, which is also called star fruit (due to its star-like appearance when seen in cross section). 
The carambola fruit is found in clusters on the branches and trunk: thick, ovoid or ellipsoid, yellow-orange in colour when ripe, star-shaped with 5 angles. Its cross section is that of a five-pointed star. Its pulp is juicy, slightly fibrous and acidic. 


El nisperero japones es un árbol perennifolio monoico de hasta diez metros de altura, usualmente 6-8 m, copa redondeada, tronco corto de corteza gris y poco fisurada, ramas jóvenes de color pardo claro con pubescencia. 
It flowers in autumn or early winter, and the fruits ripen in late winter or early spring. Loquats are borne in clusters, rounded fruit that when ripe is yellow or orange, sometimes reddish; succulent pulp with a sweet, acidic or subacid taste, white, yellow or orange. 


La ciruela es la fruta del ciruelo, nombre común de varias especies arbóreas pertenecientes al subgénero Prunus. La ciruela es una drupa, es decir, un fruto carnoso con una única semilla rodeada de un endocarpo leñoso. Se caracterizan por presentar un tamaño mayor que las frutas del género Prunus denominadas cerezas.


The apple tree is a medium-sized tree, about 4 m tall, unarmed, deciduous, with an open rounded crown and numerous branches that develop almost horizontally. The trunk has cracked bark that comes off in plates. The fruit, the apple, is a pomace of 30-100 by 35-110 mm, globose, with remains of the calyx at the apex, green, yellow, reddish, etc. with seeds of 7-8 by 4 mm. The apple usually ripens towards autumn. The wild apple tree can be distinguished by its yellowish-green skin and sour taste.

Custard apple

El chirimoyo es un árbol perteneciente a la familia de las anonáceas de crecimiento lento y qu puede adquirir en su madurez una altura de 7 a 8 m. Presenta exuberante follaje, porte erguido y a veces ramificado. El tallo es cilíndrico y de corteza gruesa. 
Its edible fruit is the cherimoya (from Quechua chiri, 'cold, cold' andmuya, 'seeds', since it germinates at high altitudes). It is considered one of the most appreciated tropical fruits within the genus. The cherimoya has high organoleptic, digestive and nutritional qualities and is appreciated for its medicinal and industrial properties. 


The grapefruit is a plant of the Citrus genus, of the Rutaceae family, cultivated for its fruit. The grapefruit is a hybrid, probably produced spontaneously, between the pomelo and the sweet orange. 


El mangero es un árbol de hoja prenne que puede alcanzar los 45 metros de altura con una copa de 30 metros de diametro. Su fruto, el mango, es jugos y tiene numerosas variedades con formas, colores, texturas y sabores muy variables. Es redondo a oblongo y puede tener pesos de menos de 50 g a más de 2 kg. Consta de una cáscara, una pulpa comestible y una semilla dura y aplanada. Durante el desarrollo del fruto, la cáscara es de un color verde oscuro, que cambia a tonos verdes claros, amarillos, de color naranja, rojos o de color borra de vino al madurar el fruto. Según la variedad, la pulpa del mango maduro es dulce, de textura suave o fibrosa y de color naranja o amarillo. La variedad llamada mango de hilacha es la que mayor cantidad de fibra contiene.


Soursop, a name of Taino origin, is a tree of the Annonaceae family. Native to Central and South America, it is cultivated for its edible fruits in many countries with tropical climates.

It is a small tree, about 5 m high and branched from the base, and gives off a bad smell when crushed. The branches are reddish and hairless, cylindrical, wrinkled, rough and with numerous lenticels.
Its fruit is actually a syncarp, an aggregate of welded fruits, which can have around 170 seeds, each corresponding to an individual fruit. The set is the largest among the Annonaceae, its shell is thin, hard and shiny dark green, covered with soft spines facing towards the apex. The pulp is white, relatively fibrous and very aromatic. 

Passion fruit

The papaya tree is a shrub with an unbranched trunk, reaching a height of up to 3 metres, crowned by a crown of long-petiolated leaves. Its sap is milky in consistency (hence its name "milky"), and is toxic in its natural state to humans. This sap contains a very useful enzyme, papain. 

Papaya bushes have three different types of plants: some with female flowers, others with hermaphrodite flowers, and others with male flowers.

The fruits, papayas, have a smooth texture and an oblong shape, and can be green, yellow, orange or pink. They usually weigh around 600 grams, with the size of the fruits decreasing depending on the age of the plant.


Passionflower is a climbing plant native to South and Central America that can reach up to nine metres in length under favourable climatic conditions. It belongs to the genus Passiflora and is an invasive plant that feeds on the sap of the plants next to it, on its trunk.

The appearance of the flower, similar to a crown of thorns, led the Spanish colonizers to call it the passion fruit.. The flower occurs individually and can reach five centimeters in diameter in wild varieties. It is normally white, with pinkish or reddish tints; other species have colors ranging from deep red to pale blue.
Its fruit, the passion fruit, is edible, with a yellow, orange or purple peel. It is an oval or round berry, between 4 and 10 cm in diameter, fibrous and juicy, covered with a thick, waxy, delicate and inedible peel. The pulp contains numerous small seeds. 

Coffee beans

The coffee plant is an evergreen shrub or small tree with a straight stem that can reach 10 metres in the wild; in cultivation they are usually kept smaller, around 3 metres. The leaves are elliptical, dark and leathery. It flowers from the third or fourth year of growth, producing axillary, fragrant, white or pinkish inflorescences.

El fruto es una drupa, que se desarrolla en unas 15 semanas a partir de la floración; el endospermo comienza a desarrollarse a partir de la duodécima semana, y acumulará materia sólida en el curso de varios meses, atrayendo casi la totalidad de la energía producida por la fotosíntesis. El mesocarpio forma una pulpa dulce y aromática, de color rojizo, que madura en unas 35 semanas desde la floración.